cannot be done?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
You know what's the best thing a determined person wants to hear? "It cannot be done."That sentence simply amplifies his belief which indirectly triggers his defense mechanism and will go all out to prove otherwise. And I happen to be one such person.Don't tell me that it cannot be done, because to me it's not done yet.The word "yet" is simple yet powerful. To me, it has not happen but must happen in the future.People ask me how much do I expect to earn in the future, what cars I want to drive. Yada yada. I'm always 100% honest with my answers. As usual the response is always similar, they either think I'm joking or I'm mad. Well, I don't take their response too seriously. After all, I figured I'm not normal. What's normal? Normal is the rabbit chasing after the carrot for the rest of his life.Me? I own those carrots and feed the less fortunate rabbits out there.
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 7:35 PM
books baby!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I can get all so excited when I search the national library board website and realise that the books I want is not on loan! I will even drive down to 2 different libraries to get my books before someone else loan it away. Okay maybe I'm just a cheapskate because I don't want to waste my $1.55 reserving it.
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 7:32 PM
Dave Nottage
Sunday, September 19, 2010
"Those who say it can't be done should stay out of the way of those who are doing it."
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 9:50 AM
Your money or your life
Sunday, September 12, 2010
We aren't making a living, we ar emaking a dying. Consider the average Amercian worker. The alarm rings at 6:45 and our working man or woman is up and running. Shower. Dress in the professional uniform-suits or dresses for some, overalls for others, whites for the medical professionals, jeans and flannel shirts for construction workers. Breakfast, if there's time. Grab commuter mug and briefcase (or lunch box) and hop in the car for the daily punishment called rush hour. On the job from nine to five. Deal with the boss. Deal with the coworker sent by the devil to rub you the wrong way. Deal with suppliers. Deal with clients/customers/patients. Act busy. Hide mistakes. Smile when handed impossible deadlines. Give a sigh of relief when the ax known as 'restructuring' or 'downsizing'- or just plain getting laid off- falls on other heads. Shoulder the added workload. Watch the clock. Argue with your conscience but agree with the boss. Smile again. Five o'clock. Back in the car and onto the freeway for the evening commute. Home. Act human with mates, kids or roommates. Eat. Watch TV. Eight hours of blessed oblivion. And they call this making a living?! Think about it. How many people have you seen who are more alive at the end of the work day than they were at the beginning? . . . Aren't we killing ourselves- our health, our relationships, our sense of joy and wonder- for our jobs? We are sacrificing our lives for money- but it's happening so slowly that we barely notice.Taken from "Your money or your life"
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 5:16 PM
away for a few days
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Hi darlingsssss. Well, i think there's only 2 of which i know who still reads this piece of space.Well, Sabrina and Zihui in chronological order, not favouritsm ok! I'm going genting for a few days just to smell their air and compare the difference to it down here. I'll let you if there's any difference k, promise.And and, if there's anything you guys, i mean girls want. Just call me alright, my handphone is off just for you two. Take care and god bless! :D
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 8:27 PM
the near explosion
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Being put aeroplane at the last minute, coupled with the wrong dish served and the opposite temperature of water given. My saturday just can't get any better. Whee!
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 8:08 PM
maids don't have it easy
Friday, September 03, 2010
You know there's this disucssion going on whether maids share their meals with the family when they eat out.There's some family, when going to a restaurant to eat, the maid would eat at home first before going out to the restaurant. Thus she won't be eating down there.There's one man on radio who even commented that he would only feed his maid salad.What's wrong with these people seriously!?Well, some retorted saying the maid ill treat the babies, their grannies that's why they deserve it.But i believe in cause and effect. If they would act more humanly possible, i don't see how the maids would purposely do such things. They came here for a measely few hundred a month, but to them that's a decent amount back in their country. So why would they want to destroy their own rice bowl?Well, possibly they are working for such horrible employers who thinks that they are like dogs and should do all their bidding. And with such pressure on them, where can they release it to? The 4 walls? Well, i suppose they could only release it to those who are "under" them. Who are powerless to do anything, possibly the young ones, or elderly.I hope things change for the better.Secondly, I think my generation of people are getting more ridiculous. They have such weird attitudes.They can get mad at an order being served wrongly. Whining at the tinniest of details, which to me seem not even worth mentioning. They want people to listen to them, over all these stupid little "events" that happen to them. It's a pain actually to tolerate them. But as a friend, what could I do? AIL. AIL?! Act I'm listening.
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 1:53 PM