Tuesday, December 30, 2008
It's either the weather or the festive food cause I'm down with flu.I was blowing my nose earlier when the right hole came out mucus with blood. Then I tried to blow my left hole but no blood came out. Funny.In case you people are wondering how I take turns to blow each hole, I simply cover the other hole with my index finger, silly.
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 11:43 AM
Over-hyperd christmas
Friday, December 26, 2008
My dad was telling us how he overheard one couple talking earlier on.Girl: Merry xmas!Guy: Meh ni na ma ah!I think that's funny!Same shit different year, what's new?
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 12:59 AM
braces and hairband
Sunday, December 21, 2008
You know I have to admit that I really got a thing for braces and hairbands!
So it's only normal that If I ever come across a girl wearing that, I'll go head over heels for her!
And guess what, I've met her. In fact she's used to be my physiotherapist. With her thin red hairband and braces, I can say she took my breath away.
I would say I have quite a big crush on her and I really enjoyed all my physiotherapy sessions with her.
I gave her a "thank you" card on our last session with my msn in it.
Just hoping she might add me but that day still hasn't come!
And I'm hoping, you know really desperately "wishing/praying/fantasizing/whatever-other-words-fit" the day will come.
So God please please please please please please please prettypleaseeeee help me!
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 11:29 AM
It's no fun at all
Saturday, December 20, 2008
It's not the weird timings of the day we've to get up.It's not the shit that we've been put through.Nor is it the physical demands of us.But rather the social implications we faced.I just wished it'll be all over soon. But I bet when I look back, I wish it hadn't end.I really really really can't figure out why she didn't do it. It gets me all so ARGH! Like I'm not even suppose to have a taste of it. Waffak!
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 10:47 AM
Thank you for everything!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
You know I've never felt this much love in my life. I feel so wanted right now.
The cards and books simply melt my heart.
I'm really grateful for everything.
Today is my last session of physio. "All the best!"
posted by Rayner who killed a lamb again at 10:15 AM